2022 School Board Sample Ballot
Kids will have the opportunity to vote on the same candidate as adults in the May 2022 Durham School Board Election. Kids Voting does not do primary elections, so none of the partisan primary elections that are on the adult ballot are in included on the KVD ballot.
Kids Voting Durham does not have write-in candidates on its ballot even when that option is available for adult voters. Rules for write-in candidate eligibility are complex, and we do not have the capacity to tally & record write-ins.
Adults can find a copy of their sample ballot by going to DCoVotes Sample Ballot . Ballots will vary depending on where the voter lives and what their registered party affiliation is.
Durham School Board elections are non-partisan, which means that no candidate runs as a member of a political party like Republican or Democrat.
The 2022 Durham Board of Education Ballot is here! In 2022, Kids Voting youth will be able to voice their vote for their School Board candidate of choice in Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 plus for the remainder of the term of the Consolidated District B seat. Each school board member will be elected for a 4-year term, except for the Consolidated B seat where the candidate will be elected to serve until 2024 (the remainder of the term for that seat which the elected member resigned from in 2021). Check out the choices below and visit the KVD Election Guide (coming mid-April) to learn more about what School Board does and who each of the candidates are.
Questions? Check out the KVD 2022 Ballot FAQ at right.
Kids Voting Ballot, page 1
Kids Voting Ballot, page 2