MLK Day Community Poem 2025

I Dream a Durham...

I dream of a Durham where doors are always open;

where everyone has something, someone, or some way to be happy each day.

Where we nurture talent and allow fair opportunities,

making a community that upholds a way of life of empathy and true understanding.

I dream a Durham free of racism, a good community where everyone can be happy,

Where hate doesn’t exist and there is no line;
Where there is no fighting and people don’t have to be scared.

Where people will be judged by their character not the color of their skin
A Durham that works for working families,
where care is common, central, and sacred.
Where opportunity is equitable, and prosperity abounds;
where we work together, and lift each other up.

Where we embrace each other in community, look out for each other, and make sure everyone around us is safe and their needs are met.

I dream of a world where there is enough food for everyone and housing for everyone,
no homeless people living on the streets.

Where everyone has a roof over their heads and food on the table.
Where everyone has comfortable, safe, and affordable housing, healthy food, and clean water,
housing is more affordable, and services and opportunities are equal to everybody, regardless of their legal status.

Together, we dream a Durham community that grows stronger,
and solves the homeless crisis,

Where no one lives on the streets.

I dream of Durham with lower costs of medicine,
where food is cheaper, and
we lower the price of groceries.
Where all people have nutritious and desirable food.
And community gardens are everywhere.

Where the climate for climate action is sunny and cool.

I dream a Durham with parks and sidewalks,
with green space where breathing is easy and laughter is abundant.

A Durham where all families can afford to live and thrive, and
we create better conditions for all young children and their families to thrive.
And youth and families ARE thriving.
A Durham where resources are plentiful, and all have access.

Where families have access to resources and can take advantage of resources offered.

A Durham where there is no fighting, and we have faith.

Where people take deep breaths, say kind words, are helpful to others, and
are careful with their hands and feet.
Where people believe in their own selves and trust their hearts.

Un lugar seguro para vivir, libre de violencia y discriminación.
Donde mis hijos no tengan miedo al caminar solos.

We dream a Durham where every young person has at least 

one adult who truly believes in them.
Where our young people feel valued and seen and heard.
Where we see and value our young people for who they ARE, 

not who they could or should become.

Where we hope to see our children thrive

‭A‬‭ Durham‬‭ that‬‭ will‬‭ invest‬‭ in‬‭ our‬‭ youth‬‭ with‬‭ this‬‭ way‬‭ of‬‭ life‬‭ so‬‭ they‬

 know‬‭ they‬‭ are‬‭ able‬‭ to‬‭ be‬‭ whatever‬‭ they‬‭ want‬‭ in‬‭ their‬‭ bright‬‭ futures‬‭ to‬‭ come.‬

That will build systems for every student, after high school,
to own a business, go to college, or have a job or career that pays a life-sustaining wage.

Where our education system is equitable for all students of all abilities.
All children thrive, and no one is left behind.

We dream a world where everyone can be who they are and be celebrated for their individuality!

A Durham resilient and tender,
where the most secret desires of belonging are answered with open arms,
warm smiles, and a reverberating “You Matter” echoing through every soul encircled.

Where impactful leadership with a positive outlook understands the needs of the people.

We dream a Durham where everyone has access to the better things happening for Durham.

Durham can be a place of acceptance where equality stands the test of time.

A Durham that honors Dr. King’s dreams of love & justice with body & soul.

A Durham where, together, we live up to our beautiful, bold, brave ideals.

This poem in honor of Dr. King and those who, like him, helped us to imagine a more just, inclusive world, was created from the contributions of nearly 100 Durham dreamers, ages 5-88, including:

Anonymous(es) | Mrs. Fishback’s Kindergarten Class, Club Blvd Elementary | Jessica L. | David S. | Amanda | Rachel | TRANSITIONS 360 YOUTH D.‬‭ Chakrobartty‬, M. Burruss, T. Harris-Gully |

NC Senator Natalie Murdock | County Commissioner Wendy Jacobs | Kallen | NC Senator Sophia Chitlik | NC Representative Zack Hawkins | City Council Member Carl Rist | Rainbow Collective for Change | DURHAM COOPERATIVE EXTENSION STAFF Donna, Carolyn, Meytal, Patience, LeQuandra, Nataly, Mac, Yessenia | KVD ADVISORS Shirey, JC, DeWarren, Pam, Charlene, Katie

For Reflection:

* Which dreams do you especially relate to? Do you see any common themes in the dreams?

* How do you think kids & youth can help these dreams come true? families? What can we ask our elected officials to do to make these dreams reality?

*. This poem is woven from the dreams of all different kinds of people. How does it feel to see everyone’s dreams together like this? How can we come together as a community to work toward some of these shared dreams?

* Can you represent these dreams in a drawing or a song or other artistic expression?


Civic Leadership Youth Opportunities - Summer 2025


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