2024 Events & Voting Locations
Check out all the great Kids Voting Durham events including where kids can vote in person and other great events during this election October 17-November 5, 2024. Can’t make it to an in person site to vote? Kids under can also cast a ballot online at kidsvotingdurham.org/elections anytime October 17 through November 5 at 7:30 pm. (Scroll past calendar to see events listed individually)

Family Voting Celebration
Voting is something to celebrate! DPS schools are off on November 5, so come down to the downtown Durham Farmer’s Market Pavilion for some Election Day fun with Kids Voting Durham and Durham 4-H Teen Council. Kids can vote, make their own I Voted button, take a voting selfie, choose a voting book to take home (thanks to our friends at Book Harvest!) and more. Free and open to everyone!
¡Votar es algo para celebrar! Las escuelas de DPS están cerradas el 5 de noviembre, así que venga al Pabellón del Mercado de Agrícola del centro de Durham para divertirse el Día de las Elecciones con Kids Voting Durham y la Junta Juvenil de Durham 4-H. Los niños pueden votar, hacer su propio botón «Yo Voté», tomarse una selfie de votación, recoger un libro de votación para llevar a casa (¡gracias a nuestros amigos de Book Harvest!) y mucho más. Gratis y abierto a todos.

Kids Voting at the Black Farmer's Market
Kids can vote too, Sunday, October 20 from 1-4 pm at the Black Farmer’s Market on Durham Tech’s Campus at 1637 E. Lawson Street. Free and open to all!

Kids Voting & Election Story Time at Book Harvest | Kids Voting y Hora de cuentos en Book Harvest
Join Kids Voting & Book Harvest for a morning of civic fun! / ¡Acompaña a Kids Voting y Book Harvest en una mañana de diversión cívica!

Kids Voting at Bragtown Library
Early Vote as a family at Durham County Libraries! ! Vota en familia en la biblioteca !

Kids Voting at East Regional Library
Early Vote as a family at Durham County Libraries! ! Vota en familia en la biblioteca !