2024 Events & Voting Locations
Check out all the great Kids Voting Durham events including where kids can vote in person and other great events during this election October 17-November 5, 2024. Can’t make it to an in person site to vote? Kids under can also cast a ballot online at kidsvotingdurham.org/elections anytime October 17 through November 5 at 7:30 pm. (Scroll past calendar to see events listed individually)
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Family Voting Celebration / Celebración de Votar para toda la familia
Haga algo gratis, divertido y significativo en este día laboral para maestros! TODOS SON BIENVENIDOS. ¡Acompáñenos y diviértete el día de las eleccione!
Do something fun and meaningful with the day off school! All are welcome. Stop by and have some Election Day fun!
Vote with the Girl Scouts
Come vote at the Kids Voting station at the Forest View Elementary Precinct,